Thursday, November 30, 2006

Warm weather slacker

I'm a slacker. I haven't practiced my guitar in several days (don't tell my instructor!) One thing I've learned in my adult life is that the things I do consistently (i.e. daily) are the ones which have the most effect on me. I would not have expected to become a highly organized, structured person, but the fact that I have been working in jobs which require and reward that type of behavior for years has affected who I am. (Younger readers: keep this in mind when choosing a career!) So the fact that I haven't practiced my guitar means that I'm not going to be very good at playing it any time soon. Incidentally, that's one of the reasons I blog: I like to write, I want to be better at it, and I know that in order to do that I need to do it as often as possible (hopefully daily). Blogging provides a structure for daily writing, and the fact that I choose to write about living on Ocracoke makes it motivating (if you know me, you know I love to communicate about Ocracoke, whatever the medium!)

I don't have a reason for not practicing my guitar for the last few days, but I have a good one for today: it was nearly 75 degrees! I'm wearing a t-shirt and capris, and during the time that I could have been practicing chords, I took a barefoot walk on the beach instead. So at least I have a good reason for being a slacker. Not that I'm encouraging slacker behavior, but when you have an opportunity to walk on the beach barefoot on the last day of November, you should take it! (Unless, of course, you live in Puerto Rico or somewhere else where you can walk on the beach barefoot any day of the that case, you should do the other things that need doing.)

Now I'm going to go practice my guitar. Some days, there are enough hours in the day to both slack off for a while, and still be productive, too. :)

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