Monday, December 4, 2006

Still on the planet...

Yes, I'm still here. It was a full weekend, so I didn't find time to blog. First, Jamie (the kitten) was really sick on Friday morning, so I had to take him to the vet. Doesn't sound like a big deal, but when you live on Ocracoke, a trip to the vet takes all day! (We do have on-island vet services, but they are only once a month which doesn't help much when you have a situation which needs immediate attention). Anyway, I spent all day taking Jamie to the vet in Manteo. Good thing I took him up there, too: he had a fever of 104! He spent a few nights there, but is home now and is fine (in case you were worried).

On Saturday morning, there was a cookie swap at the library. I bet it was fun, and I had intended to go, but after TWO failed batches of cookies, I decided to skip it. I went to the beach instead, and threw my pathetic attempt at Hershey kiss cookies into the ocean. They actually probably tasted okay, but were so stuck to the muffin pan I couldn't get them out in one piece. I briefly considered throwing the whole darn pan into the ocean, but decided against it. So I scraped them out of there and threw in the chunks. The ocean didn't seem to mind. :)

On Saturday evening, there was a semi-formal Flat Cat performance (island kids playing instruments and/or singing). It was preceded by a potluck, and I try to never miss a potluck, so I went to that! (I did manage to pull out of the kitchen failure streak which had started with the cookies, and make something presentable and tasty to take with me!)

On Sunday, I had a guitar lesson and somehow managed to sound somewhat musical, even though I hadn't practiced much. So it was a busy few days! Sorry if you were wondering where I was. I say that, assuming that someone is actually reading this blog. For all I know, nobody is! That gets me thinking about why I write it. It's partially in the hope that there will be an audience of readers, of course. But it's also something I enjoy doing. It's good to make time to do the things you enjoy. It's also the only way to get better at them. I'm hopeful that writing every day will make me a better writer, even if no one ever reads my blog.

The coming week on Ocracoke will be filled with activity, too. (I will try to blog more often, though!) Many Christmas events are planned, including the biggest potluck of the year, Jimmy's Garage Party, which is held each year in (you guessed it) Jimmy's Garage. Yes, the car repair/oil change/inspection place - they clean it up, add tables and a dance area, and put on quite a party, starting with a huge potluck meal and followed by dancing to the Ocracoke Rockers. It is great fun and I am looking forward to it.

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...lights are going up all over the village, the Lighthouse will be decorated soon, and everyone seems to be getting into the Holiday spirit. My sister challenged me to be able to play a Christmas carol on the guitar by the time she arrives to visit, so I'm off to work on that. Happy holidays!

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