Saturday, May 8, 2010

I am officially too old... stay up as late as I did last night. After the second performance of the show, I went to Dajio with several ladies from the cast. I had a couple of beers, which was a bad idea on an almost empty stomach, and they went quickly to my head. So, I ordered some food (their delicious spring rolls), and enjoyed them immensely. For some odd reason, we decided to go from Dajio to Howard's Pub. We got there so late that they were no longer serving food, unfortunately, but I did enjoy watching several of my friends sing Karaoke. Today, however, I am zonked. Either I am too old to be awake until after 1 AM, or perhaps I could still do that at my age if a toddler didn't live in my house and wake up around 6:30. Either way, a nap is in order today.

Hope you aren't feeling too old today, wherever you are!

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