Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Every blooming thing

Spring has officially sprung, and flowers are growing all over the village (except in my yard, but that's a story for another blog...) Here are a few photos for your spring viewing enjoyment.

Okay, this jasmine actually is in my yard. It's not by any means the prettiest example of jasmine around here, though. (It is, however, the most convenient and easy to take a picture of!)

Roses along the fence at Natural Selections.

This is on Lighthouse Road.

The arbor above the door to Village Thrift.

And, my personal favorite, the rose covered arch over the walkway to a local B&B. This one makes me want to put an arched or rectangular archway over the place in my fence which will one day be a gate. (I have all sorts of mental plans for my house...that's merely one of the simpler ones.)

Hope there are flowers growing all over your world, too, wherever you are...

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