Saturday, October 2, 2010

It may be a while...

...before the Hatteras ferry is up and running. The official word is that the shoaling of the inlet was "extreme", and that a new channel needs to be located, dredged, and marked. The rumors around the village about how long this may take vary wildly - I've heard everything from "another day or two" to "two weeks". The ferry division website says it "may take several days". The village seemed pretty quiet today, and the Community store was nearly out of milk when we went in there early this afternoon. I did see one delivery truck on the island, and I heard that the mail was delivered today, so it appears that things are starting to be re-routed via Swan Quarter.

In the meantime, the weather is wonderful (it's that great time of year when the temperature is neither hot nor cold, but lovely and neutral). I threw open many windows in my house today and enjoyed the fresh breeze very much. Ah, fall....definitely my favorite season.

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