Monday, October 4, 2010

I need a strategy

When you live in a small town, and you know most of the girls in the Girl Scout and/or Brownie troop, and you are a soft touch, you need a strategy when it comes to buying Girl Scout products. It's entirely possible that this could happen if you lived in a large town, too, assuming the other two things were still true. All three are true of me, and therefore, I definitely need a strategy.

I noticed, when the first Girl Scout visited my house to ask if I wanted to buy any of the fall products, that most of the other folks who had filled out her form only bought 1 or 2 things. I didn't think about that, though, and proceeded to sign up for several things. (This wasn't entirely because I'm a soft touch...I LOVE Girl Scout fall products. I swear the chocolate covered raisins have crack in them - they are seriously addictive.)

And then the second Girl Scout visited. It was at this point that I realized why others only buy one or two things. Well, really, I realized that it's not that they only buy one or two things - it's that they only buy one or two things from each Girl Scout. Lesson learned for me. I applied it when the third Girl Scout visited. I think the fourth one stopped by yesterday but I was about to jump in the shower, so John placed an order with her - hopefully he only got one or two things.

Oh, and a couple of truly funny things about this:
- The first Girl Scout actually BROUGHT the second one to the house (I can imagine the conversation on the way over - "Kati will buy a bunch of things!")
- Sundae admitted that she told the Girl Scouts to come to my house, because she is fully aware of my legendary addiction to chocolate covered raisins. One year, we bought an entire case. No, I'm not kidding.


Anonymous said...

One year I had 7 girl scouts in my 2nd grade class. We had lots of cookies that year!

Lora said...

Well at least the didnt tell them to come to my house because I would buy one of everything! Oh wait... this is a public post... other Girl Scouts could read this... oh no! My cover is blown!
(well at least I made it a whole year here and only got asked by one person to buy cookies!) :)

Anonymous said...

They are expensive, but it's always been my philosphy that one can never have too many boxes of Girl Scout cookies!!

Trisha Davis said...

Living in a city brings on more pitfalls. You have friends at work whose daughters are selling cookies, etc. So, if you are not careful, both you and your husband end up buying 6 boxes of Thin Mints, and you haven't even begun to buy a box from each girl who finds you at home! Oh, and if you can avoid it, don't volunteer to be Cookie Mom. I learned what a tough job that is the hard way!

-- Trisha

Ocrakate said...

Thanks for the comments everyone! Anonymous, you are right (both that they are expensive and that you can never have too many!)
Trisha - good point - I hadn't even thought of the both spouses buying some at work angle!
Lora - and I know where you live, now I know where to send the next Girl Scout. Bwahahahaha...

Gary said...

You all are just making this too complicated! There is an obvious solution staring you right in the face.................................................EAT MORE COOKIES!

Ocrakate said...

Gary - LOL!

Anonymous - I can understand that! The primary reason I know most of the Girl Scouts is from reading to them when they were in first grade.