Saturday, January 22, 2011


It started snowing this morning at about 9:30. I'm not sure what time it stopped, since it was dark by the time it did, but it snowed for many hours. In addition to the constant snow, it was quite windy, creating white out conditions at times. I was at a friend's house, enjoying wonderful conversation and watching through the windows as the snow came down, and there were multiple times when we could not see the houses right across the street. I took a few pictures, and I'll definitely take some more tomorrow. Here's what I have so far.

I loved this pattern on my deck.

My planters seem to be growing snow!

There are steps under there, I think...

This closeup gives a good sense of the depth.

My poor garden angel (snow angel today!) is nearly buried.

Coffee shop. It was hard to get a good picture since it was snowing so hard!

The dock behind the Community Store.

Snow blanketed bushes.


Jodi said...

Thanks for sharing the pictures. I bet Ocracoke is extra beautiful today. It's nice to see you blogging again. :)

Lisa Uotinen said...

How fun!! I loved your pictures, I heard about the snowstorm in your area,I was hoping maybe you'd post pictures. Enjoy the wonderful snow!

Anonymous said...

So pretty and I am soooooo jealous!!! Hopefully someone makes a snow person before its too late! :)