Monday, January 31, 2011


I volunteer my time to a handful of local organizations. Tonight, I attended a meeting of one and listened to (and participated in) a discussion about the budget. I bet you've heard this before from organizations you support, but it bears repeating: the difficult economy has created some major challenges for not for profit organizations (everywhere and of all sizes) that depend on donations as their primary source of income. If you can, please consider choosing your favorite (on Ocracoke or elsewhere) and giving a gift.

If you would like to support an Ocracoke not-for-profit, here are a few options. This is by no means an exhaustive list, it's just the first few I thought of in no particular order. So please let me know which groups I'm forgetting. All addresses are Ocracoke, NC, 27960. I also provided links to websites for organizations that have them - you can donate to many of them online.

Ocracoke Fire Protection Association (aka Ocracoke Volunteer Fire Department) - PO Box 332

Ocracoke Preservation Society - PO Box 1240

Ocracoke Child Care - PO Box 284

Ocracats - PO Box 993

Ocrafolk Festival - PO Box 604

Ocracoke Working Watermen's Association - PO Box 1165

Friends of the Library - not sure of their PO Box - leave me a comment if you know it!

WOVV (Ocracoke Community Radio) - PO Box 1447


bill jones said...

Thanks, Kati!

Michael said...

The PO Box for WOVV is 1447 --

Ocracoke Community Radio

P.O. Box 1447

Ocracoke NC, 27960

Ocrakate said...

Bill - you're welcome!

Michael - thanks! I'll update the post.