Thursday, January 27, 2011


Last night, around 20 women (and one brave guy!) attended a workshop in the school commons area. It was taught by Betty Shotton, with input from her husband, Chris Ryland as well. Betty is a terrific public speaker who does leadership training through her company, Liftoff Leadership.

The workshop last night was about clarifying personal values. Not morals, but values - those things that make us who we are, that we wouldn't want to live without. Betty presented us with a long list of potential core values (things like honesty, faith, hope, fun, order, freedom...there were many on the list), and asked us to choose the ones that resonated with us. We then looked at how we spend our time, and whether we are living in a way that is consistent with our values, and is a "fit" for our core selves. It was eye opening and thought provoking, and I thoroughly enjoyed it.

And you thought there wasn't anything interesting to do in the winter around here...

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