Monday, January 31, 2011


I volunteer my time to a handful of local organizations. Tonight, I attended a meeting of one and listened to (and participated in) a discussion about the budget. I bet you've heard this before from organizations you support, but it bears repeating: the difficult economy has created some major challenges for not for profit organizations (everywhere and of all sizes) that depend on donations as their primary source of income. If you can, please consider choosing your favorite (on Ocracoke or elsewhere) and giving a gift.

If you would like to support an Ocracoke not-for-profit, here are a few options. This is by no means an exhaustive list, it's just the first few I thought of in no particular order. So please let me know which groups I'm forgetting. All addresses are Ocracoke, NC, 27960. I also provided links to websites for organizations that have them - you can donate to many of them online.

Ocracoke Fire Protection Association (aka Ocracoke Volunteer Fire Department) - PO Box 332

Ocracoke Preservation Society - PO Box 1240

Ocracoke Child Care - PO Box 284

Ocracats - PO Box 993

Ocrafolk Festival - PO Box 604

Ocracoke Working Watermen's Association - PO Box 1165

Friends of the Library - not sure of their PO Box - leave me a comment if you know it!

WOVV (Ocracoke Community Radio) - PO Box 1447

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Chocolat and chocolate

I hosted another ladies movie night this evening. (I'm planning to do them once a month all year, twice during these colder, slower winter months!)

Anyway, tonight we watched Chocolat, so of course for our snacks we decided to have chocolate. Sundae brought some delicious dark Belgian chocolate which was oh so creamy. I had a bar of dark chocolate with orange peel in it to share. There were chocolate covered pretzels, chocolate covered cherries, and chocolate covered macadamia nuts (from Hawaii). And we drank our chocolate, too! No, it wasn't as simple as hot chocolate. Leslie brought chocolate wine! It was delicious and reminded most of us very much of Baileys.

We enjoyed indulging (and laughing) together, and then we enjoyed the movie.

There's plenty of chocolate left over so I'm thinking the next movie might need to be Like Water for Chocolate. And then I think we ought to continue the "match snack to movie" theme. The only obvious excellent match I've thought of so far, but which will have to wait for the summer, is Fried Green Tomatoes. So let me hear your creative suggestions - what movies go well with particular foods? (They don't necessarily have to match our other theme, which is "movies with good looking guys in them", but it wouldn't hurt if they did!)

Saturday, January 29, 2011


I'm one of those odd people who doesn't skip the previews before watching a movie. I actually really like previews. Often, I end up adding the previewed movies to my Netflix queue, which is one of the reasons my queue is always so darn long. A side effect of having such a long queue is that I've often forgotten what a movie is about, or why I put it in the queue, by the time it arrives at my house. This is another reason I think it's good to watch the previews, since they often provide a general sense of the movie I'm about to watch. If it's a romantic comedy, the previews will most likely be for other romantic comedies, for example. Tonight, as I saw previews for movies I had never heard of, some in foreign languages, several which had been selections at Cannes and other film festivals, I knew I was in for an independent flick. It was, and I thought it was an excellent one. If you enjoy that type of movie, or if you want an excellent example of how good an actress Sigourney Weaver can be, I recommend Snow Cake.

Friday, January 28, 2011


There was a thin layer of frost over everything this morning, and I nearly wiped out on the slick surface of my deck as Connor and I left for daycare! That's about all the excitement I had today, though, as I spent most of the rest of it indoors. Work has been very busy for the last few weeks, so I spend most of the daylight hours in my office.

I did manage to get out this evening to go to Turbo Kick. I had hoped to go to the Basso concert tonight, as well, and this blog would be about that if I had. But I didn't. After my long week and Turbo Kick, I was just tired and ready to go home, get all snuggly in my PJs, and read a good book.

So now that I'm finished with this blog, I think I'll go do just that! (I'm already in my PJs...good book here I come!)

Have a good weekend, wherever you are...

Thursday, January 27, 2011


Last night, around 20 women (and one brave guy!) attended a workshop in the school commons area. It was taught by Betty Shotton, with input from her husband, Chris Ryland as well. Betty is a terrific public speaker who does leadership training through her company, Liftoff Leadership.

The workshop last night was about clarifying personal values. Not morals, but values - those things that make us who we are, that we wouldn't want to live without. Betty presented us with a long list of potential core values (things like honesty, faith, hope, fun, order, freedom...there were many on the list), and asked us to choose the ones that resonated with us. We then looked at how we spend our time, and whether we are living in a way that is consistent with our values, and is a "fit" for our core selves. It was eye opening and thought provoking, and I thoroughly enjoyed it.

And you thought there wasn't anything interesting to do in the winter around here...

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Good eats!

If you're going to be here this weekend and don't want or like to cook, you are in luck! (At least on Sunday. On Saturday, you're on your own.)

Pancake Breakfast Fundraiser
Jason's Restaurant
Sunday, January 30, 2011
8 am until sold out!
TO GO Only!! No seating inside. First come - First serve!
Pancakes, butter, syrup, sausage, and juice or coffee
Come and support Ocracoke Child Care and enjoy an excellent breakfast!!

Followed by...

Sunday, January 30, 12:15 p.m.
Roast Beef Dinner
Roast Beef, Potatoes, Gravy, Green Beans, Rolls, Dessert
Methodist Church Rec Hall
Ocracoke United Methodist Women
Donations appreciated

I'm hungry already. Come on Sunday!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Winter concert

Ocrafolk Festival Winter Concert Series Presents
Basso in Concert, 7:30 PM, Friday, January 28, at the Deepwater Theater
Admission at door: $10 Adults, $5 Kids

The Basso quartet will be coming to the Ocracoke Community on Friday, January 28 for performances for the students of Ocracoke School and a 7:30 PM evening concert at Deepwater Theater. These talented musicians of all play low instruments. It's beautiful music, interesting instruments (for some of you this may be your chance of a lifetime to see a theorbo up close) and, well, they're all pretty darn good! The concert will also feature special guest island musicians! This performance will include Barbara Blaker Krumdieck on baroque cello, Robbie Link on viola da gamba, baroque cello and violone (baroque upright bass), William Simms of Baltimore on baroque guitar & theorbo, and Sally Blaker on baroque cello. They will be playing works by Vitali, Platti and Vivaldi.
The Basso concerts are part of the Ocrafolk Festival Winter Concert Series, made possible by the Ocrafolk Festival in partnership with the Beaufort County Art Council, the North Carolina Arts Council, the National Endowment for the Arts, and local sponsors (Peter Vankevich, DJ & Sue Jones, Skill Sense, Island Free Press, Deepwater Pottery, Robin Turner, Anchorage Inn, Bobby Rondthaler, Beverly & Leonard Meeker, & David and Susan Schwarz Jones).
The Ocrafolk Festival is housed under the Ocracoke Preservation Society, a not-for-profit 501(c)3.

Hope to see everyone there!

Mostly gone

It rained overnight last night, so almost every bit of the snow was gone this morning. There were a few patches here and there, but the rain cleaned the vast majority of it out. I actually think that's about the perfect way to finish up after a snow storm, compared to my previous experiences where the snow stays around for days or weeks and after a while is just dirty, dangerous, slushy ice.

I did take a few pictures on the beach and on South Point road, so here are some of the better ones. Sorry I didn't get out there (with my camera!) while it was still good and snowy!

Snow slide down the dune

I liked the pattern the snow interspersed with sand created.

Snowy marsh grasses

Frozen over next to South Point Road.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Snow on the beach

I drove out to the beach this morning to see if there was still any snow on the dunes. There was, and it was a fun sight, especially since it's so infrequent. Unfortunately, however, I forgot my camera! I hoped to go back out later in the day but alas work intervened and the next thing I knew, it was dark! I'll go again tomorrow, WITH the camera, and get some photos if there's still snow on the beach (I think odds are decent that there will still be some, as it wasn't very sunny today).

In the meantime, if you want to see what the village looked like during the height of the storm, here's a video. (Thanks and credit to Dale.)

Sunday, January 23, 2011

More snow photos

I drove around the village a bit after church this morning, and then later in the afternoon I took a walk, to get more pictures of Ocracoke in the snow. It was quite sunny today so most areas were melting, but I still saw some pretty snow scenes. Here are a few.


This kitty braved the snow, but kept lifting his paws as if to say "what is this cold stuff?"

The Cove B&B is closed in January, so the parking lot there was still pristine.

Loop Road ducks "walking on water".

I loved the scalloped effect (I assume the result of wind) on this boat in the Schramel's yard.

Snow family...which matches the actual family who lives in the house where it was.

Another pristine parking lot.

The snow took a slide...

Not a good day for the daycare kids to take a ride in their group stroller!

Or to walk down this ramp to their playground...

...or play on this toy!

Snowy trees.

I really liked the scroll effect of the snow "peeling" off our Jeep.

Snow on adirondack chairs is just funny.

Won't be eating at this table today...unless we make and eat snow cream!

More snowy foliage.

The long planter in our yard.

I loved the patterns the snow created on our outdoor chairs.

The yard of a house near mine.

Guess the birds could eat snow!

No grilling today!

This way to the office...

Harbor's edge

I think these are yaupon berries?

Waterfall effect

Saturday, January 22, 2011


It started snowing this morning at about 9:30. I'm not sure what time it stopped, since it was dark by the time it did, but it snowed for many hours. In addition to the constant snow, it was quite windy, creating white out conditions at times. I was at a friend's house, enjoying wonderful conversation and watching through the windows as the snow came down, and there were multiple times when we could not see the houses right across the street. I took a few pictures, and I'll definitely take some more tomorrow. Here's what I have so far.

I loved this pattern on my deck.

My planters seem to be growing snow!

There are steps under there, I think...

This closeup gives a good sense of the depth.

My poor garden angel (snow angel today!) is nearly buried.

Coffee shop. It was hard to get a good picture since it was snowing so hard!

The dock behind the Community Store.

Snow blanketed bushes.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Crepes and conversation

I went to Norfolk today for an appointment. Before my appointment, I met with a friend for lunch. We went to a lovely little restaurant which served crepes - both savory and sweet. We each enjoyed a delicious lunch crepe (mine had turkey, avocado, mushrooms, and spinach), followed by some seriously yummy gelato. We had plenty of time, and we hadn't seen each other in a while, so we talked and talked and talked. We covered several months, all sorts of updates, and lots of interesting ideas.

I adore crepes, and hadn't had one in a couple of years, but the conversation was the better part!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Love, work, volunteer, play

My day today was filled from beginning to end, but it was oddly balanced. I started, as I do each day, by taking care of Connor - getting him up and dressed, fed and ready for school. Love.

I spent the next many hours doing my job, which continues to be extremely busy. Work.

Then I went to an Ocracoke Preservation Society meeting and took notes (I'm the secretary). Volunteer.

Finally, I went to Gaffer's with Sundae to eat some dinner and shoot three games of pool (she won two). Play.

It was a full day, but it was rewarding in that it contained so many of the important elements of life. Too many of my days are mostly work, without time for play, so I was pleased that even though today was quite busy, I still had time for some fun!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Odd thoughts

I was a bit melancholy this morning, thinking about the recent death of a friend. That got me thinking about things I would like to do in my life. Which got me thinking, "what if I don't get to do those things?" So sometimes I think we have thoughts for a reason, and I really felt like I was supposed to make sure that people knew these things, in case I'm suddenly not around. (No, I'm not sick or suicidal. But accidents happen every day and I might get hit by a bus. Although that's relatively unlikely since there aren't too many buses here. But anyway...I digress.)

So here's what I want people to know, if I go to heaven earlier than expected.

I want all the parts of my body that are viable to be donated to whoever can use them, including people who need transplants and scientists for study.

I want whatever is left to be cremated, and my ashes put in Pamlico Sound off Springer's Point. (Because I'm a detail freak: I specifically want this done at sunset, right after the lighthouse comes on for the evening.)

If I don't live long enough to dance with Connor at his wedding, someone had better make sure that the third song played (after he dances with his bride and his mommy) is "You've Got a Friend in Me" (yes, the one from Toy Story) and that the videos of us dancing are shown while it is played.

That is all. So, now...back to focusing on life. I have lots more to do and as long as it is within my control, I will be around for a long while. Thanks for sharing this journey with me, wherever and whoever you are...

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Soggy and foggy

After all that rain yesterday, the island is seriously soggy. I don't mean just puddles in the usual low spots in the roads. I mean puddles pretty much everywhere! This is the yard of the house next door.

It's a bit warmer today, which would be nice except for the fact that there's one reason warm days in winter aren't necessarily a good thing when you live on an island. Warm air + cold water = fog. And fog sometimes = no ferries.

DATE: Jan. 18, 2011
CONTACT: Lucy Wallace, (252) 473-3461

Warmer temperatures could also cause problems tomorrow

MANNS HARBOR — The North Carolina Department of Transportation’s Ferry Division has temporarily suspended operations at its Hatteras-Ocracoke and Ocracoke-Cedar Island routes due to dense fog.

The Hatteras-Ocracoke route runs hourly during the winter and runs were missed at 10 a.m., 11, 12 and 1 p.m.

The Swan Quarter-Ocracoke route made its 10 a.m. run but it was delayed by fog. The return trip scheduled for 12:45 p.m. was also delayed.

The 1 p.m. runs from both Ocracoke and Cedar Island were cancelled. The 4:30 p.m. runs from both sides will take place, if visibility allows.

Operations will return to normal once the fog lifts but weather forecasters say fog could also be a problem tomorrow.

For further information, call Hatteras at 252-986-2353 and Ocracoke at 252-928-5311. Travelers who have reservations for any of the Pamlico Sound runs that have been cancelled due to fog should call 1-800-293-3779 and press 2 to speak to a reservation specialist. To receive fog cancellations and other ferry related posts, sign up at


Lucy M. Wallace
Communications Officer
NCDOT - Ferry Division
252-473-1490 (Fax)

Monday, January 17, 2011

Dark, damp and dreary

It started raining at about 12:30 today. It's 10:30 now and it is STILL raining. Even before the rain came, it was overcast and gray...a big change from the sunshine of the weekend. I have wished multiple times today that I could just crawl back into bed and sleep until tomorrow. (The fact that I only got about 5 hours of sleep last night certainly didn't help, either!)

I went out earlier today, both to take Connor to daycare this morning and to get a little exercise this afternoon, and I'm really glad that I did, because I think otherwise I might be getting a serious case of cabin fever already. (As it is, I'll probably still get it tomorrow, if this rain keeps up.) What do you like to do for indoor fun when the weather is dreary? Leave a comment and let me know. Seriously. I might need some ideas!

Anyway, I'm finally going to get my wish and get back into bed. Good night.

Sunday, January 16, 2011


Many people wonder when is the best time to see dolphins in the waters surrounding Ocracoke. The answer is in the dead of winter, I think. After hearing from multiple people about the many dolphins swimming just off shore on the beach, I decided to go see them, too. Part of me expected to be disappointed. I mean, what are the odds that, hours later, the dolphins are still right where people saw them earlier? Apparently those odds are pretty decent in the winter. I had been told to look for dolphins between the airport ramp and South Point road. So we took a drive out to the beach to see what we could see.

We drove to the beach via South Point road, and I realized that I hadn't done that in far too long. I love how that area is a wonderful place to observe the changing seasons. In winter, the sea oats are fuzzy and the black needle rush on the marsh turns a wonderful silver/gray color. It was another beautiful sunny day, so I thoroughly enjoyed the drive.

When we arrived at the beach, we went toward South Point for a bit. We saw not only dolphins but friends, as well. (The word was out about the dolphins at this point, I guess.) Connor ran around for a while, until his nose went pink from the cool which point, I required him to get back in the car - left to his own devices, he would have kept running! We drove north east up the island toward the airport ramp and saw several additional groups of dolphins. I found it very enjoyable, because I simply love dolphins.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

It's all relative

It was a sunny, warm day today. Okay, "warm" may be a bit of a stretch since the high temperature was in the 50s, but compared to the frigid weather we (along with nearly everywhere else in America) have been experiencing it seemed downright tropical!

It was a great day to be outside, and many people were, including me. I didn't make it to the beach, but heard it was a lovely day to be out there, and that there were dolphins just off shore. There are some great videos of the dolphins posted on Ocracoke Island blog. Enjoy!

Friday, January 14, 2011

Busy, busy, busy

I am completely overloaded at work at the moment. I am hopeful that it will settle down (it is often this way in January when all the projects for the new year get started), but it's frustrating for now. I've decided, though, to act on my belief that work is not the most important thing in my life (although it is certainly one of the most time consuming). Therefore, today, even though I felt like I was drowning in email, I left work three times throughout the day: in the morning, to read to the first graders; in the afternoon, to eat lunch with my friend Amy; and in the evening, to go to Turbo Kick exercise class. I'm still behind at work, but all of those emails will still be there on Monday morning.

Hope you're not too busy, wherever you are...

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Laughing ladies

A bunch of ladies just left my living room, after the January ladies movie night. We watched Notting Hill, and there was plenty of laughter. I have to say, I love having my living room full of friends, especially when they are laughing. What a great way to spend a cold winter evening!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Ferry naps

I had an appointment in Kitty Hawk today, so I rode the 9 AM ferry, spent a good part of the day on the northern end of the Outer Banks, and then rode the 5 PM ferry home. On the 9 AM ride, I covered myself with my coat and took a short nap. I love naps on the ferry, because I feel like even though I am sleeping, I am still making some sort of progress (since the car is getting somewhere, even though I'm not actively driving it). I guess that's why I like sleeping in a car when someone else is driving it, too.

I did not take a nap on the ferry on the way home, because I was nearly at the end of the book I was reading and wanted to finish it, so I did that instead. I was home for an hour - just enough time to eat some dinner and print the agendas - and then I headed back out, to the Ocracoke Civic and Business Association meeting. I'm serving as the secretary (again) temporarily. Well, theoretically it's temporary. After I told Rudy I could take notes for the winter meetings while the current secretary was traveling off the island, said current secretary sent out a note saying she was resigning that post. So now OCBA needs a secretary (again)...and since I'm "filling in", just "for now", I suspect it will end up being me (again). I don't mind - it's a good way to keep up with some of what is happening on the island, specifically in terms of county politics/policies, business activities, and NPS updates.

Anyway, it has been a long day and I'm tired. (Probably should have taken a nap on that second ferry ride, too. Instead, I'll go take a long (i.e. overnight) "nap" in my bed!)

Sleep well, wherever you are...

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

1 fine day

Earlier today, it was 1:11 on 1/11/11.

Yep, that's all I've got to blog about today. If I hadn't had to take Connor to daycare this morning, I wouldn't even have managed to step outside, so I have no idea what might be happening on the island (other than the fact that it is COLD and windy). I worked 12 hours yesterday and 12.5 today and am really needing to keep reminding myself that I like my job. Really, I do. I am ready for all the beginning of the year, "let's start a whole bunch of new projects" craziness to settle down, though! Guess it's job security, so I'll take it.

Hope you're not overwhelmed with the beginning of a new year, wherever you are...

Monday, January 10, 2011


We went to Gaffer's last night, for dinner and also to watch the Green Bay - Philadelphia game. We were cheering for Green Bay, as were several other people there. There were also several people cheering for Philly. Most of these people were sitting side by side at the bar, amiably drinking together regardless of which team they liked. I liked that. It was a simple thing, but with so much negativity and division in the world these days, it was nice to see people decide to just get along and enjoy each other's company, even though they disagreed on something.

Sunday, January 9, 2011


Sometimes, it is the interior, which becomes visible only when the exterior is broken, which is the most lovely.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Weird weather

This morning it was sunny but windy. Then the wind dropped (it was still sunny). I happened to drive by Silver Lake during this calm period and it was slick as glass and really pretty with the sunlight reflecting off the water. A couple of hours later, I looked up and out the windows and it was snowing! (Nothing stuck, but there were definitely flurries for about 10 or 15 minutes.) Now, it's freezing cold and windy again, but there's no precipitation at the moment. I'm not quite sure what to expect next.

It just struck me that the weather is a kind of metaphor for life. We try to analyze its patterns, predict its future, and sometimes wish we could control it. But, like weather, life is stubbornly unpredictable, the future is not promised to anyone, and we have far less control than we like to think we have. None of this is necessarily bad. As Seinfeld might say, it is what it is.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Organizing...and I love visitors!

I'm a really good organizer. I don't mean that in a bragging way, it's just that I work as a Project Manager, and when you do something for 40+ hours a week for 14+ years, you almost can't help but get really good at it. So I'm good at organizing things. I manage all sorts of stuff in my life via spreadsheet - keeping track of everything from charitable giving, to projects I want to do on the house, to the next family vacation. I even have an amortization table for my mortgage, and I've been known to use spreadsheets to compare the attributes of different brands of a big ticket item I'm planning to purchase, to help me choose which to buy. (Okay, so I'm a bit of a spreadsheet geek, I admit it.) Anyway, I am really good at applying my organization skills to the "big" things, like vacations and taxes and big purchases. But I often fall down on the job in terms of organizing the "little" things, like drawers (desk and kitchen), countertops (mine often goes missing, covered under what I fondly call "the detritus of life"), and wrapping paper.

Wait, did she say wrapping paper? Yes, wrapping paper. When you live on an island, you don't take for granted that the next time you need to give a gift you'll be able to run out to WalMart and buy a really cute gift bag. So you keep and reuse things like gift bags, ribbons, and tissue and wrapping paper. At least I do. I even have one of those cute organizer bags (of course!) to keep it all in. But the thing about those organizer bags is they don't actually organize the wrapping paper for you...if you just shove it in there, it's nearly as bad a mess as if you didn't have an organizer bag in the first place. (It's slightly better because at least the mess is all contained within one area.)

Anyway, I really wish I had taken a "before" picture of my wrapping paper organizer bag, but you will just have to believe was a wreck. (My family, who needed to use said wrapping paper while here for the holidays, can attest.)

So today, I spent a while organizing my wrapping paper organizer. And now, it's marvelous! Everything is in its place (something which makes me inordinately happy), and the interior sections of the bag are even labeled. I thought about posting an "after" picture here on the blog, but without a "before" it's not really worth it.

Something unexpected happened while I was organizing. I discovered that I have tissue paper. LOTS of tissue paper. Now the reason this is unexpected is when my sister asked me for tissue paper while wrapping gifts recently, I said "this is all I have" and referenced three measly, previously used, wrinkled almost beyond belief, torn sheets which were in the organizing bag, near the top. I was so wrong. I have many, many sheets of tissue paper. Most of them are used, but I actually even found several brand new totally flat ones too. It's amazing what you'll find when you organize. There might be something really great under all that clutter!

I have a friend who started a blog this year to track one of her resolutions, which is to throw away something (or multiple somethings) every day. I bet, as she clears things out, she'll find some nice surprises, and probably learn some great lessons along the way, too.

So why the sudden need to organize my wrapping paper bag? Well, I have guests coming to visit this weekend, and whenever people will be staying in my house, I get all motivated to tidy up (especially, to find the aforementioned missing kitchen counter). Often, that motivation spills over into organizing things that the guests are unlikely to see, just because I get "in the zone" in terms of my energy - I want to put it all toward tidying, organizing, neatening things up around here.

So that's why I love visitors! Left to my own devices, I would probably have really- well-organized "big" things, most likely on a spreadsheet on my laptop. But I might not be able to find the laptop itself under the general clutter. (Okay, it's not that bad, really. There's plenty of clutter on the desk where the laptop sits...but not on top of the laptop. Just to the left. And the right. Oh, and yeah, behind it, too. Guess I need to work on the desk next!)

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Updated ferry schedule

Just a quick FYI in case you are planning a trip to the island - there have been some changes in the mainland ferry schedules. You can get the details here.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Lunch and resolutions

I went to lunch with a friend today, because one of my resolutions is to do a better job of keeping up, and spending time, with the ladies I love. I don't necessarily believe in New Year's resolutions per se - I think you can make a decision and a commitment to do something on any day of the year. (I have made choices and started life changes on a wide variety of dates.) But I do love the "clean slate" feeling of a new year...or a new month, or a new week, or heck even a new day for that matter! What a blessing that we are able to start anew, make amends, learn from our mistakes and continue becoming better people.

When you live on Ocracoke, one nice thing about making choices to start new activities at the beginning of a new year is that it can be a bit easier to implement things during the winter, when the island is quiet and there's significantly less of all the busy-ness that will come in just a few months. Hopefully I can use the quiet winter time to develop some good new habits, and they'll be so ingrained by the time the busy summer arrives that I will keep right on doing them.

If you make resolutions, or even if you don't, I wish you all the best with whatever choices you make this year, wherever you are...

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Secret Santa

I saw a note posted in the Post Office yesterday from a local family. They were thanking the anonymous "secret Santa" who had ensured that their kids had a good Christmas. I love little examples like this of how the people of this community care for each other in tangible ways.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Pool shark, part 2

Many months ago, I wrote a post about the fact that I won (okay, on two technicalities) the first annual summer sister getaway contest, which happened to be a best-of-three pool playing match. I mentioned that there was video of my amazing "sit-on-the-table, put the cue behind your back" shot, which I would post when I got it from my sister. Well, I finally got it, so here it is.

Oh, if you're wondering about all the giggling...yes, we were slightly tipsy. Which just makes the fact that I got that shot all the more amazing!

Last week at Gaffer's, I won the first annual winter sister dress up, go to a pub and play shuffleboard contest. And yes, again, on a technicality! (Although at least this time there was some strategy involved. I didn't win by reaching 21 points first, I won by forcing her to get 22 instead of 21 on her final turn. Other than that, it was pretty similar to the pool contest, in the sense that I am not very good at shuffleboard either, and she was beating me soundly up to that point.)

Yes, she is wearing my tiara - we're sisters, we share! And yes, she is drinking at the same time as playing shuffleboard. Apparently being tipsy is part of the theme of these sister contests.

If you like to play pool and/or shuffleboard, Gaffer's is the place to do that on the island. (Unless you happen to be staying at The Castle, in which case you can play pool there.)

Sunday, January 2, 2011


The bad thing about when the weather suddenly warms up during the winter is that it almost inevitably leads to thick fog (warm air and cold water is a winning combination, assuming fog is your idea of winning). And fog, on a day that you need to take your family to the airport in Norfolk and therefore need the ferry to run on time, is not a terribly helpful thing. So I've had a very long day. This, therefore, is the end of this blog post.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Quick summary

Here's what has been going on in my full, busy life for the last few months while I've been invisible on the blog.

I got seriously creepy makeup for my role as a zombie in the annual Spook Walk. I had a blast scaring people, and then several of us went to the Back Porch in full makeup which was hilarious.

The annual Ocrafolk School was a success, and the shrimp boil dinner was fantastic, as usual.

I dressed up as a Minnie Bar for Halloween.

There were lots of other great costumes at the Pub, as usual. Here's one of a couple whom I promised I would post their photo to the blog. (Of course, odds are good that they gave up looking for the picture and/or lost the napkin on which I wrote the URL long ago...but a promise is a promise.)

I went with my family to Walt Disney World for two weeks in late November/early December.

Yes, I'm wearing my Minnie ears.

Yes, I'm wearing my tiara.

We got home just in time to enjoy the festivities of Christmas!

I was a shepherd in the live nativity.

We enjoyed the Christmas Eve service and pageant at the Methodist Church.

Santa was good to us.

We attempted to go to the All Academy Ball (in honor of my sister, who will graduate from the Air Force Academy on May 25, 2011), but it was cancelled as a result of the snow storm. So we got dressed up and had our own Gaffer's Sports Pub!

Yes, I'm wearing my tiara again. I love having (and/or making up) a reason to wear it!

The second annual ladies Christmas tea was a wonderful time with some of my favorite ladies on the planet.

We enjoyed a family wine tasting.

And my sister and I rang in the new year together.

Whew. Hope you've been well for the last few months, and that 2011 will be a great year for you, wherever you are...