Saturday, July 3, 2010

Pool shark!

I am terrible at pool. When I was in college, and I played fairly frequently, I was decent but never excellent. But now I play so rarely that I'm really awful. That fact, however, did not stop me from winning the first annual summer sister getaway contest (which Jocelyn and I just inaugurated). This year, we decided the contest would be about pool, but next year it may be something else (my vote is for Yahtzee, but that's another story...)

Anyway, in case you're wondering how in heaven's name I - with my terrible pool skills (or lack thereof) - managed to WIN the best out of three contest, it was really quite simple. And no, my sister is not worse at pool than I am - she's actually much better! She beat me fair and square the first game, although I actually played almost decently that time. The second time she scratched on the break, so I won on a technicality. And - you guessed it - I won the third game on a technicality too (she sank the 8 ball early...whoops), although up to that point I was losing miserably.

At one point, I tried one of those sit-on-the-table, put the cue behind your back sort of shots, and actually sank it. I was so shocked, it was hilarious! Jocelyn actually got some video footage of this amazing event. I don't have it yet, but will add it to this post if she ever remembers to email it to me. (Hint, hint.)

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