Saturday, January 2, 2010

I might be crazy but...

...I just started yet another blog. It may or may not be daily, and all the posts will be short and oddly similar, yet highly varied. Check it out here.

I figured it's a new year and a new decade, why not start a new blog? Speaking of new decade, click here for a short summary of the last decade. (Yes, really short. It's a three minute video summary of the last 10 years.)


Anonymous said...

Uh...okay. Aren't limericks supposed to be humorous?

You obviously have too much time on your hands.

Ocrakate said...

Yes, classic, standard AABBA limericks are usually humorous. These are my own form (AABCCB, although I'm quite sure I'm not the first person to write in that rhyme scheme), as I mention on the Life in Long Limericks blog, and therefore they will be humorous when I want them to and not when I don't. "Humorous" is also pretty subjective, so I may think some of them are funny while others don't, which is fine by me.

I actually do not have too much time on my hands (I wish!), but I find myself thinking up these little ditties anyway (usually while doing something else), so why not jot them down and share them?

Anonymous said...

Let's see. You're not following the standard Limerick form, nor are the ditties you've posted thus far humorous. It seems to me that these two elements are trademarks and if they're missing, are you really composing Limericks, or some other type of rhyming poetry?

Ocrakate said...

Who cares? If you don't like them, don't read them.