Saturday, December 11, 2010

Still alive...

...but now officially so far behind that I might as well just quit and start over. Just kidding!

Yes, I'm still on the planet. The blog has been behind for some time (I have blogs in draft about Halloween, for goodness sakes!) but it only got worse when we were off island for 17 days. We went to Disney World for 2 weeks and it was more fun than people should be allowed to have! (Not really...but it was LOADS of fun. I acted like a child for 2 weeks and loved every minute of it!)

Anyway, I'm back but now I'm buried in Christmas preparations. Ack.

I promise I'll get back to posting (and maybe even get those old blogs that are sitting in draft waiting for me to write and attach pictures posted, too.)

In the meantime, I hope you are enjoying the holiday season, wherever you are!


Anonymous said...

I've missed your posts, but will forgive you for having some fun and attending to C-mas prep. vbg
Have a wonderful holiday.

Pat (met you at Flying Melon)

Tom in Plano, TX said...

Good to know you're alive and about! Look for some Christmas lights on my front porch next week. First time in my life I've ever put up Christmas lights!

Debbie Leonard said...

Kate, I have missed your posts but glad you have been enjoying your non-blogging life!

Ocrakate said...

Thanks Pat and Debbie - I'll get back to blogging eventually.

Tom - saw your lights a couple of nights ago. Liked them! I'm hoping to put lights up on my house next year...gotta get organized enough to do so, we'll see!