Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Getting around

Most years, there are new businesses which start on the island, usually opening up just before the season kicks off at Memorial Day. This year, there are multiple new businesses related to the same theme: transportation (of goods or people) around the island. There are new places to rent bikes and golf carts, a delivery service which will bring groceries or restaurant food to you, and the closest thing we have to cab service: rickshaw rides. The rickshaw enterprise is run by William Howard and his wife Jessie Morrisey, who are in excellent shape and ready to ride you around the village!

(Credit where credit is due: Sundae took these photos.)


Anonymous said...

Love seeing you back !!!!

Would you be willing to post what restaurants are now operating on the Island? Don't want to be unprepared and find our favorites closed. vbg


Ocrakate said...

Thanks Pat...I'm glad to be back, and really especially glad for all I learned about myself in the process of writing that blog, and responding to the comments. Not that it's a completed process of course - as long as I'm alive, I'll continue learning and growing (I certainly hope I will, anyway!)

I'll post a blog about the current open restaurants on the island. I have done that in previous years but have been remiss so far this year, so thanks for the reminder!