Sunday, April 11, 2010


The Girl Scouts hosted a Quizo event this evening, which I thoroughly enjoyed. Quizo - in case you don't know - is Bingo, and (as long time readers know), I love Bingo! (Yes, I know that might make me seem older than I am. So be it.) The funny thing about the fact that I like Bingo and Quizo is that I very rarely win. I didn't win a single game this evening (and was the only person at my table of about 8 people for whom this was the case), but I still had a great time. There's something - well, just good and fun - about spending time doing something simple with friends you love. So next time there's a Quizo or Bingo event, I'll be there with a big smile and low expectations. (That way, if I win, I'll just be pleasantly surprised!)

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