Wednesday, December 30, 2009


The last couple of nights, as I have let Jamie (the cat) either out of or into the house around 11 PM, I noticed a gorgeous silver glow outside. One nice thing about clear, cold weather is that the moon and stars are so much more visible since there isn't much cloud cover to block the view. I also noticed that the moon has been nearly full.

Then today I saw this article which confirms that the moon will be full tomorrow night for New Year's Eve celebrations, and that it will be the second full moon in December (popularly called a "blue moon"). A blue moon on New Year's is a somewhat rare occurrence, and the next one won't be until 2028.

Hope you have fun, whatever your plans are for ringing in 2010. If you can, make part of your celebration a quick trip outside, and look up!


tunnellj said...

I like that you have to specify between Jamie the cat and Jamie your friend -- HAHA.

Ocrakate said...

LOL...yeah, just want to make sure there's no confusion...don't want people to think I'm kicking you out into the dark and cold! Jamie the cat, however, has a fur coat and actually WANTS to spend the night outside - even in this FREEZING weather. I think he may be insane. But I still love him.